Upcoming Runner Prep Events

  • PDJ Preparation Run- Santa Barbara

    Peace and Dignity Journey- Central Coast

    Preparation Run and Runners Orientation

    Sunday, July 7th at 9AM,

    Ortega Park, 604 E. Ortega St., Santa Barbara

    9 AM - Circle and Orientation

    10 AM - Run

    For more information, or to confirm attendance people can contact Eddie at (805) 612-6443. Please text first.

  • PDJ Preparation Run- Fillmore

    Peace and Dignity Journey- Central Coast

    Preparation Run and Runners Orientation

    Saturday, July 6th at 9 am,

    One Stop A La Vez, 421 Sespe Ave, Fillmore

    9:00 AM - Circle and Orientation

    9:30 AM - Run

    For more information, or to confirm attendance people can contact Alotl at nomindcontrol47@gmail.com.

  • PDJ Preparation Run - Ventura

    Peace and Dignity Journey- Central Coast

    Preparation Run and Runners Orientation - Hosted by Owens Valley Career Center

    Tuesday, June 25th, at 4:30 pm - 6pm

    Kimball Park (near the entrance)

    For more information, or to confirm attendance people can contact Magdalena at (805) 676-0750, or mrodriguez@ovcdc.com.

  • PDJ Preparation Run - Santa Maria & Gaudalupe

    Peace and Dignity Journey- Central Coast

    Preparation Run and Runners Orientation

    Friday, June 21st, 5 - 7pm.

    Guadalupe Cultural Arts and Education Center

    1055 Guadalupe Street, Guadalupe

    For more information, or to confirm attendance people can contact Esmerelda at esmeralda@corazondelpueblo.org

How can I be a Runner

Peace & Dignity Journeys makes an open invitation to runners from across the continent. Youth, elders, men, women are all invited to participate as runners. Both native and non-native people, who are committed to the preservation of Native American and other indigenous cultures, are encouraged to participate.

Those interested in serving as a local relay runner for a portion of the run when it comes through our Central Coast Region, are welcome. This could range from one-mile to ten miles or more, as part of the PDJ route through San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. For more information on serving as a local runner, fill out the our PDJ runners form below, or contact one of our regional organizers below. Also, please join us for one or more of our local PDJ Preparation Runs and Runners Orientations. For dates, times and locations, see our Events page.

Interested in being a local PDJ relay runner?

Fill out our PDJ runners form at this link.

Core runners may commit to run for as little as one month or the entire duration of the journey. Runners represent their nations and communities and are expected to carry themselves in a proper manner. Since the run is a sacred ceremony, runners abstain from drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity while on the journey. If you are interested in participating as a runner, contact the appropriate regional coordinator as soon as possible.

For more information on how to serve as a core runner - running the full length from Alaska to Colombia, or one full month can contact:  Jose Malvido at (415) 377-2502.

For more information on serving as a PDJ runner for part of the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties runners route, contact: Eddie Gonzales, at (805) 612-6443.  If possible, please text first. 

For information, or to sign up to run part of the run from Carpinteria through Ventura to Fillmore, as well as from Oxnard to Saticoy, contact: Malinalxochitl at Xochitlaparicio06@gmail.com, or by Instagram at 8AguilaFlor

For information, or to sign up to serve as a runner from Fillmore to Santa Clarita (near Six Flags), before the runners head to San Fernando, contact Alotl Aparicio by text at (895) 217-9681.

Be a Peace and Dignity Journeys Core-Runner